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Experience as Village Trustee, Deputy Mayor, Mayor

Accomplishments 2015-Present

Specific Accomplishments

  • Worked diligently on the annual budget each year of my tenure and Voted for budgets that kept our tax rate at 0%.  

  • Rebuilt, rewrote the policy, and rolled out the Village Ethics Committee. 

  • Rebuilt and rolled out the Landlord-Tenant Relations Council.

  • Actively participated in the interviewing, hiring, and approval of the Village Manager, Community Center Director, and other personnel to improve our community and its services, making sure that we maintain diversity in our interviewing and hiring practices.

  • Worked with my colleagues to re-engineer the legal department and bring on new staff. 

  • Headed a committee on communications to professionalize our communications platforms and make our communications more transparent to the public.  The new website rolled out successfully and is multilingual. 

  • Helped to curb and rid the community of illegal massage parlors by connecting the dots between advocates, police, and our legal team. 

  • Supported efforts to address vacant and zombie properties.

  • Took a deep dive into our water plant and operations centers and worked with staff to improve those facilities via a capital improvement budget, and project timelines.

  • Attended numerous conferences to learn and bring back better environmentally friendly and cost-reducing energy programs. 

  • Passed the most legislation during my tenure as Mayor

  • Added staff to code enforcement and communication department.

  • Created two new committees to deal with the needs of our growing Village:  Police Reform  Advisory Committee and the Youth Bureau

Votes (Partial List)

  • Voted to conduct the only legitimate recent empirical affordable housing study (conducted by Kevin Dwarka Consulting), for the Village regarding recommendations on fair, safe and affordable housing… for all.

  • Supported and voted in favor of the Veterans Tax Exemption.

  • Voted and supported a downtown Economic Development task group that represented a wide range of constituents and stakeholders. This group did a herculean job and bringing to light a number of economic development solutions which is now incorporated into our day to day running of the Village. 

  • Voted for a “One Day Cabaret” License, giving businesses and organizations the flexibility to be allowed to have live music, entertainment and dancing to leverage the explosion of downtown eateries.

  • Voted in favor of the Broadway Bridge Rehabilitation to protect its structure, integrity, and appearance.

  • Voted in favor of reconstructing and improving the basketball court and overall physical plant improvement needs of our Community Center. 

  • Voted for the Sing Sing Kill walkway improvements.

  • Voted for wetlands legislation

  • Voted for numerous grants application regarding e technology, cars, village vehicles, stations, and e-bikes. 

  • Helped produce and create the largest grant in our history: Downtown Reinvestment Initiative (DRI) which was awarded to the Village in the amount of $10 million to roll out approximately 12 major infrastructure improvement initiatives.

  • Invested in police and fire departments vehicles and improvements

  • Added 80 trees to support our goal to becoming the Greenest Village in the country  and received Tree City designation from the State.

  • Approved the Police Reform Recommendation to the State.

  • Recommended and Approved  a Covid-19 memorial garden for our residents to mark the pandemic and its affects on our Village.

Liaison Involvement

  • Liaison to the Downtown Economic Development Fund Council which we rebuilt and re-prioritized with successful projects. This team of citizens and I rolled out the new tree lighting and tree well program for the downtown.

  • Liaison to the Environmental Advisory Council which we rebuilt. “This team of volunteer citizens have accomplished more in the past year than in the past decade”, Jeff Smith, chair.

  • Liaison to the Parks & Rec Advisory board.

  • Liaison to Sing Sing Prison Museum

  • Exofficio  to all Village appointed committees.

  • Served as liaison to the Police Reform Committee.

Experience: List
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